[MEMBERS ONLY] Affiliate Mixer? What's that...

​Click here to access our Members area inside the Course Creators πŸ›‹ Den on the Heartbeat app.

Hey there, Reader,

Do you ever read the MEMBERSHIP PRO TIPS that I leave for you at the bottom of my weekly emails?

I want to keep these emails short & sweet going forward, and will be using this section to give you easy action items to get more out of your membership.

Here's a tip that you might have missed πŸ‘‡

Make sure that your notifications for the Heartbeat app are turned on. In order not to inundate you, I try not to post too much, but it is where I will post things in real time until I can get to a computer and send you an email.

And there's another juicy πŸ’Ž gem this week for you! Keep scrolling.

What is this new Affiliate Mixer event?

This is a monthly mixer event for online business owners with affiliate programs or those looking to use more affiliate marketing as revenue stream in their business. The purpose is for us all to come together, get to know each other and figure out how to make money together without have to create all of the things to ourselves.

​If you'd like to attend, just RSVP!​

Make sure that you bring details about your offer, who it is a fit for and the link to join your affiliate program. The last 40 mins will be for people to share and connect.

Dates to be aware of:

πŸ“† SYC New Member Orientation: April 13th @ 11am EST - RSVP Here​

πŸ“† Monthly Ask Me Anything Session: April 18th @ 12:00pm EST ** NOW ON VOXER **

β€‹πŸ“† Affiliate Mixer: April 20th @ 1:00pm EST - RSVP Here​

πŸ“† Curriculum Co-Working Session: April 21st @ 12:30pm EST​ - RSVP Here​

πŸ“† Check-in Week: April 24th - 28th (no live events, but I will be checking your progress)

​Subscribe to our SYC Members Calendar by clicking here. This will add any and all events that are coming up as a part of your membership to your calendar with just 1-Click.

Past Members Emails Log:

As some of you may be joining throughout the month, I wanted to have a log of Challenge and Membership emails that you can access 24/7/365. This will likely change (or at least look at little cleaner) in the future, but for right now it's a great and easy option.

Just click here to see any member emails that have been sent: https://go.heysamanthaking.com/posts. There is also an active Thread in the Members Area in the Heartbeat app where I add to this log in real-time.

Alright, who's been thinking of a quiz? Hit reply and let me know!


MEMBERSHIP PRO TIP: If you're here, it's because you believe in the power of Borrowing Other People's Audience. Guess what? The other people in this membership believe the same. So are you collaborating together yet? Hop in and out of audio-only rooms with other members if you want to brainstorm with each other at any time.

I'm Samantha, your friendly neighbourhood You’re friendly, neighbourhood Course Developer & Strategist.

πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ Access your selling superpowers πŸ”Š Turn up the volume on course sales πŸ‘€ Get people to pay attention πŸ‘« Borrow audiences

Read more from I'm Samantha, your friendly neighbourhood You’re friendly, neighbourhood Course Developer & Strategist.

Hey Reader, There have been some big developments in my world, and they mean that things have to change in my business. Know that I did not make this decision lightly. The Sell Your Course Membership will take a break at the end of April 2023. No further payments will be taken but you will still be able to access the content already in the Members Area including access to the private podcast. Apologies for any inconvenience and fingers crossed it will be back! Links You Need: Members Area...

Click here to access our Members area inside the Course Creators πŸ›‹ Den on the Heartbeat app. Hey Reader! I just wanted to remind you that I'm hosting Voxer office hours tomorrow for Sell Your Online Course members. This is a great way to get 1:1 support and feedback from me! HERE'S HOW OUR VOXER OFFICE HOURS WORK: 1️⃣ Download the free Voxer app and connect with me (my username is @heysamanthaking) 2️⃣ Send me a quick intro message and tell me about your course and what you're currently...

Click here to access our Members area inside the Course Creators πŸ›‹ Den on the Heartbeat app. Hey Reader, There are two live events happening this week that you should bookmark πŸ”–πŸ”– Voxer Office Hours on Tuesday (April 18th): I will be available from 9am PST/12pm EST to 5:30 PST/8:30 EST to answer any Qs you have about this month's challenge, borrowing audiences and anything course creation or selling. This is a great opportunity to get some 1:1 coaching/strategy from me. Add me on Voxer:...